Our appointments are full at this time. We do have cancellations, so you can periodically check the appointment calendar for appointments opening up from cancellations. You can also use the tab “Locate other Tax-Aide locations” to find other tax aide locations that may have availability.
Please note due to our current volume of appointments, we are unable to handle walk-ins. Please make your appointment in early January for the next tax season. Thank you
2025 Operating Days / Appointments:
Tuesday – 9:15 am – 2:30 pm
Thursday – 9:15 am – 2:30 pm
Saturday – 9:15 am – 2:30 pm **
** Please note there is limited disability access on Saturday at this time **
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete paperwork. The entire process is expected to take up to 2 hours.
Please note – Social Security Cards and are required for taxpayers and all dependents in order to prepare your tax return. Photo ID are required for taxpayers.
Please click on the link below to make an appointment via our online appointment system. Please note we do not make appointments by phone.
Please complete the form below prior to arriving for your appointment.
Please visit the tab “Taxpayer Required and Optional Forms” for other information and forms.
If your tax return includes a tax item that we are not certified to handle, then your tax return could not be prepared by us. Below is a list of items we do not handle.
To locate other Raleigh Tax-Aide sites please visit the “Locate other Tax-Aide Locations” tab.